CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, July 20, 2012


Okay restaurant owner, or future owner, I'm going to give this to you straight, you'll not only need a staff and nice menus. You'll need insurance to cover your ass in the event some asshole wants to sue you because you made fun of his fat nose when his boogers came flying out into his seafood ramen. He wants to sue your ass, he wants to litigate, you hurt his feelings awwww! Now he can't sleep, he's an emotional wreck! Ha ha ha, this can happen, so tell me how the f... k are you going to cover your ass? Insurance bubba, you'll need Liability Insurance, call an insurance company or a few and get some quotes.

Also look into how your business is going to be structured, ask an attorney for this part, it gets tricky with lots of paperworks, such as, are you setting up as an LLC, Limited Liability Company or a corporation. An LLC protects the partners or member of the LLC against a law suit, it can protect your personal assets in the event a suit is brought upon your LLC.

Insurance is key when owning a business or anything, you would not think of driving your BMW without insurance right? Same goes for your business, you got to protect it with the right insurance. Remember, I could be a patron in your Buddy's Grill and Bar, and you had 1 dollar draft Wednesdays, I walk in, and there's a wet spot on the floor and I take a mean ass flop. Oh I'm okay, but oh yeah, ah my neck is tweaked, I'll go to the doc, and oh yeah, ah he says I can't work now for life.... sweet, I hire an attorney and sue you. Well, now what? You'll need insurance to defend or to pay me off or something, you'll have to face the suit if it is brought upon you, and if you were in a cave the last few decades, attorney fees are quite high these days. So I hope you'll have the right liability insurance.

There's other insurance you'll need to look into, but for now, this is good enough.


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