CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, August 26, 2012


*First prepare the Chipotle Corn Salsa, if you don't have a grill or gas stove to char the corn, use a pan without oil.

The Salmon

2 Salmon Filets 5 oz. each patted dry
2 tbsp. of unsalted butter divide in half
1 tbsp. fresh chopped rosemary divided in half
Fresh ground salt to your specs 
Fresh ground pepper corns to your specs

1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
2. Place the salmon on a baking sheet with some Pam sprayed
3. Bake the salmon for 10 minutes, remove let it rest covered lightly with foil

Chipotle Corn Salsa Recipe

6 Ears Sweet Yellow Corn

2 Poblano Chilies
1/2 Red Onion
2  Jalapenos
1/2 Cup Chopped Cilantro
2 Tablespoon Lime Juice
1 tsp. garlic powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

Roast the corn and Poblano chilies on a grill or BBQ (or pan heat it) let cool. Cut off the corn from the cob, and then dice the Poblano chilies, onion,  jalapenos. Combine all the ingredients and season to taste.

Now bake your salmon, when salmon filets are done, get out two plates, scoop some Chipotle Corn Salsa on each plate divided, and place a salmon filet on top, garnish with lime wedges, serve with a Corona or a nice white wine.

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