CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, August 24, 2012


I'm starting to think of becoming a 100% Vegetarian and Vegan Chef. It's so much cleaner, the chances of cross contamination is zero, I mean I remember cooking at Down To Earth Natural Foods, and I could just use one cutting board and not even wash my knife the whole shift, where as, working with meats, man you gotta sterilize it all the time under hot soapy water, that's what I'm talking about.

So today, as I also watch my diet, but I do partake in chicken because I can't eat soy based foods like tofu which is one of my Yay Yay Faves!, but now I'm just gonna eat some lean chicken, or some fish, but most of my stuff, well, it's all gonna be natural plant based foods, as I get older I can't hold down a huge ass plate lunch, but if it's all natural stuff all the better.

I must read, and learn what's going on in vegetarian and vegan cooking, I mean there's so many great creative chefs out there doing this kind of thing it's insane. The creations with eggplant, I mean you could make a roasted eggplant pizza, an eggplant soup, dips like Baba Ganoush, or a Chinese or Japanese influenced braised eggplant. Yeah, gotta love just working with veggies and fruits.

With that said, it's time for me to hit the road in a few minutes, and trek it on out of town for a few hours, get some shit done. Okay I'm on my way. Aloha

1 comment:

  1. Aloha, and good for you! Vegan and vegetarian cuisine is so delicious and creative! I think a lot of chefs get caught up on meat preparation, that they forget about the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans/legumes. I do not eat a lot of soy, either. You don't need to eat soy on a plant-based diet. I do eat a little fermented soy at times, (tamari, tempeh on occasion, and miso) but its more like a condiment. There are lots of great resources out there, I wish you luck and welcome to a happy, healthy, sustainable, much kinder way of life :)
