CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Let's take a look at what's in your bag of snacks, and let's take a look at a bag of Doritos Cool Ranch, and learn what some of these ingredients really are, and if they are really good for your health.

The ingredients are as follows:

Whole Corn..........................Could be GMO, good or bad? You to decide look up GMO

Vegetable Oil, Corn, Canola, Soybean and/or Sunflower Oil........ Most likely it's a GMO product.

Maltodextrin (Made From Corn)...... it adds to processed foods, as a thickener or to add body to a product, though it made from a natural product such as corn, because it is processed, it has no nutritional value. It can give people allergic to corn the same symptoms, such as rashes, asthma, hives, and itches.

Salt, it is heavily laced with salt or sodium, 12 chips is considered 1 serving, and is 180mg of sodium, though listed as 8%, most people don't eat just 12 chips, they'll consume more, and studies have showed that these junk foods that don't have any nutrition will leave one still hungry and hence will eat more. High blood pressure people say, "Nay!"

Tomato Powder, it is made from tomatoes, but again it is so highly processed that it has zero nutritional values whatsoever.

Corn Starch, is used to help thicken other foods, on its own it is alright and pretty safe.

Lactose, is a natural that is found in milk and dairy products, if someone is lactose intolerant, it can have adverse effects, such as sore stomach, or passing gas.

Whey, is a protein from milk when making cheese, it is the liquid that remains after the milk curdles. The dangers of whey is that if someone is lactose intolerant it can give them the side effects as that of lactose.

Skim Milk, again, this is a dairy product and can have the same effects as Lactose and Whey.

Corn Syrup Solids, just call it corn syrup that was manufactured with the liquids removed, all the same, like corn syrup, it is very sweet, and not good for diabetics, it is considered 3/4 or 75% as sweet as cane sugar or sugar beets, so this is very dangerous, and other side effects can be muscle cramps, head aches, just but a few. Doritos diabetics?

Onion Powder, processed from onions to add flavor, this is highly processed and loses all nutrients. However I use this on some of my cooking, mainly for flavor enhancement, it just has zero nutrients, eating raw onions will have significant nutrients. If you are allergic to onions or garlic, don't eat Doritos Cool Ranch.

Sugar, what can I say? Diabetes!

Garlic Powder, see Onion Powder.

Monosodium Glutamate, a.k.a. MSG, that food enhancer added to Asian foods, and as preservatives in canned and packaged food. High blood pressure? Say "Nay" to this. Some side effects that it had on myself were, headaches. For others it was flushing, sweating, facial pressure or tightness, numbness, rapid heartbeat, chest pains, nausea, and weakness. Say "Nay" to MSG, the FDA mandates food operators to list MSG on their products, though the FDA claims it safe, it is one of the most controversial ingredients in the past.

Cheddar Cheese (Milk, Cheese Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), now look at all that it is derived from. So if you are a lactose intolerant, "Nay!" Hypertension? "Nay!" 

Dextrose, is made from starches such as rice and potatoes, the starches is converted to sugar to form a sweetening agent, so with that said, are you a Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic? Well, watch how much Doritos Cool Ranch you ingest. What's the answer for health, do you eat this at all? "Nay!"

Malic Acid, comes from citrus fruits, though harmless, some people will have a reaction such as migraine headaches.

Buttermilk, it is generally safe for people that can consume milk. Buttermilk is made by adding an acid to milk that curdles it. Hence for a bag of Doritos Cool Ranch, the buttermilk is processed into a powder rendering it useless as far as any nutrients. And of course it is a dairy product, not good for lactose intolerants, should one eat this? Maybe, go ahead and chance it, you may get sick!

Natural and Artificial flavors, again because the natural is highly processed there is zero nutritional value, and as for the artificial? Say "Nay!" to this bag of chips.

Sodium Acetate, used to add flavor to chips, it is sodium so again, if you got hypertension? No good!

Artificial Color(Including Red 40, Blue 1, Yellow 5).  As for Red 40, this has been a known culprit for people losing focus, lacking in concentration, and in some cases cancers were linked to Red 40. As for Blue 1, it is a petroleum derived additive, so it is not natural, it is studied to be the cause of cancers in animals, hypertension, and loss of body functions, do you really want this? I think the answer is a big "Nay!" Yellow 5, is used as a coloring for what else? Chips, and Doritos Cool Ranch is a perfect match up, what gives Doritos that yellow color? Well it isn't Mother Nature. A.K.A. E102, it is found in pills, shampoos, all kinds of unnatural products, when consumed one can get sick from nausea, cramps, skin rashes, migraines, and many others even cancers. Austria and Norway have banned the use of this chemical, I say "Yay Dat!"

Sodium Caseinate, is a processed milk product, casein comes from milk, naturally it is a healthy product, but in this processed form with sodium as it's partner for longer shelf life, it is bad for people with lactose intolerance, and people with hypertension or high blood pressure. So do we want to eat Doritos Cool Ranch? Ahhhhhhh, up to you.

Spice, pretty safe.

Citric Acid, safe unless you have some citrus acid allergies.

Disodium Inosinate, basically it adds flavors to chips just like Doritos Cool Ranch, like MSG, it can be dangerous for hypertension and high blood pressure, other side effects are flushed skin, numbness, sweating, swelling, and gastrointestinal problems. I say, "Nay!"

Disodium Guanylate, a.k.a. DSG, call it the cousin of MSG, it enhances flavor to instant foods like noodles, canned goods etc. You get the picture. It can aggravate gout attacks, speed up heart rates, damage kidneys, and other organs, jack up blood pressure, it is not advisable to give infants or toddlers this ingredient, an overdose of DSG can be fatal.

My personal opinion of Doritos Cool Ranch, for an artificially soaked product, it really is tasty, I do eat it on occasion, but just look at all that crap that is laced on those chips, which is really manufactured chips, with all that binders, and sodiums, man, I got high blood pressure, this crap is filled with shit I should not consume, and it is actually filled with dairy products in a processed form, but still is very bad for someone allergic to dairy, imagine all that crap in one bag! And we the consumers are blind, we don't want to read the labels, and or find out what those colorings really are.

I suggest we all learn from this and make better healthier choices when eating snacks, Frito Lay the largest manufacturers of chips is using.... how should I put this, poisons? Yeah poisons come to mind. Sure it's our responsibility to learn what is good or bad, but still, these guys are making a gazzillion bucks selling this unhealthy stuff.

Ron's pick is it a YAY or a NAY?

I say "NAY!" Not good folks, the votes are in from both sides, sorry Frito Lay I just Nayed you!

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