CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, November 26, 2012


Gout sufferers know all to well that the pain from a flare up is not just painful but can cause deep depression. Imagine your big toe, and or ankle is inflamed and swollen, and just the air from the fan can cause more intensity to the pain areas. And this leads to the victim of gout to call in sick from work, missing possibly days to weeks without pay. Gout is something sufferers should take very seriously, because gout can possibly kill you.

It is a form of arthritis caused from diets rich in purines, that when it gets into the digestive system it turns in to crystal forming uric acid that travels through the bloodstream and then settles as sharp needle like weapons that attack the joints, anywhere from the foot to the hand, and I've seen a friend get gout in his head, wasn't funny you heard that right, his head had swollen, and his face became shiny, and painful. Gout is like the Devil attacking you, to put you out of commission, and to sit you down for a long spell so you can't get to work, you can't be fruitful, not with gout pain.

Diets, primarily animal proteins can give someone gout, the rich meats like beef that is well marbled and not cooked well, organ meats, pork, even some poultry, and even some fish can have high amounts of purines. So what is safe for gout as far as diets? Everyone is different, not everyone is the same, a sufferer will need to keep a daily log of the food he or she eats, and from there dissect what may have caused an intense flare up.

For myself, a lean protein meal is safe, such as a grilled chicken breast, lightly seasoned with some salt and pepper and maybe some herbs and spices. The breast is leaner than the leg portion, studies have shown that the dark meat of chicken can be high in purines, and a limited amount of the breast meat for a meal is okay. Considering a sufferer eats a lot of greens, and some fruit and of course lots of water to flush out the uric acid.

There are no guarantees that eating lean chicken breast will not give you gout, but it should be safe for most people especially those that eat lots of rich beef or pork. If you are one of those, it's time to rethink your animal protein intake, change from eating the rich meats to leaner cuts. Let's do a simple chicken breast recipe.


1 large boneless and skinless chicken breast

1 cup of orange juice 

1 clove of garlic

1 tsp. chopped thyme

1 tbsp. vinegar

1 tsp. minced onions

2 tsp. soy sauce

1 tsp. sesame oil

In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients first, and then marinate the chicken breast overnight in the refrigerator.


1. Heat up a grill to medium high heat

2. Remove chicken from he marinade, let stand at room temperature for about 20 minutes.

3. Grill the chicken where the skin was first side down, grill for about 7 minutes, and then turn it over and grill another 7 minutes. Check for doneness with a thermometer, if it reads around 160 it will be good to eat.

4. Take the marinade and put it into a saucepan, heat up pan over high heat, bring to a boil, making sure it is very hot to kill any bacteria. Once hot, pour marinade over some chicken pieces, eat when served to prevent food poisoning.

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