CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


This is a short blog post, just something to share with the foodies out there, my sister Joyce fried up some Sesame Chicken Wings for a lunch on this Christmas day of 2012. She won't give out the recipe, although we tried and came close, it is one of those family secrets. It is clandestine you know. So here it is in the wok deep frying.

And here it is in the pan, notice its dark color, nice and brown with a crispy crust, I do know for sure, she coats it in cornstarch before she fries it, and you can see the sesame seeds that I know is part of the marinade. I am sure there is soy sauce inside also sesame oil and green onions I think. But the ratio of what is in there is a mystery. Like teriyaki or kalbi ribs, we all know the basic ingredients, but how much does the cook put in..or in some cases leave out? Well all I know is, this pan will be devoured quickly when it is in the hands of anyone in the house. To enjoy this meal, you just eat it fast as you can, full blast! Stick a wing in your mouth, bite on it and pull that wing out, slurp the meat, don't chew, slurp the meat, oh yeah baby! You jive turkey! Slurp it man! And have a Merry Christmas.

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