CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 28, 2013

SPAM MUSUBI Gourmands Are Taking to This Canned Goods Thang

In Hawaii the celebrated rectangular food thing called The Spam Musubi is not just for locals anymore, visitors to Hawaii including some very fine food gourmands are taking to this canned food meat concentrated with sodium, one can has enough to preserve a dead goat!

Lines of people locals and visitors can be seen standing in line for a musubi, which can be just a slice of Spam, rice and nori (seaweed wrapper).  Or some musubiologists will create Teriyaki Spam Musubi, or Fried Chicken w/ Spam Musubi, or a Breakfast Musubi rice topped w/ one scrambled egg, a seasoned slice of Spam, a piece of crisp bacon and you're good to go, go anywhere, just go and live life after scarfing a musubi of any flavor. Here is what some mainlanders said about the musubi, and if there are any entrepreneurs out there listen good alright?

Jane from Detroit, wife, mom, secretary and foodie: "I never thought I'd ever eat Spam, I thought it was nasty, I mean who knows what's in there...however, my husband spent some time in the military in Oahu, and he eats all kinds of foods, so he said to me to just think of Spam as a sausage...okay, so I did, I closed my eyes and ate a Spam Musubi. I started to like it at first bit, the saltiness of the Spam and the blandness of the rice, and the nori had a nice harmony, I'm hooked on this thing, and it's easy to make, I was talking to some locals, so I'm gonna head to Long's Drugs to see if there's any musubi molds and nori, and of course Spam, it's a great snack for hikes."

Charles retired dad, husband, from North Carolina: "I am game to eating anything, I've tried tripe stew, I've eaten pig innards, so Spam was nothing to me. I love Spam, but I've never had a Spam Musubi, and I tell you what, every morning  I try to find a local stop that sells it. I like the ones with the Hawaiian red hot dog with the Spam, now that's a good eat."

Kris from Portland, Oregon: "I went to college in Oregon and I was roommates with 2 other local girls from Honolulu. I could not believe it when one day, the mailman came and dropped off a huge box from Hawaii. One of the girls had arare crackers, cuttle fish, and a case of Spam. I had a difficult time with the aromas of the foods they were eating, I've never had that before, but after a year rooming with them I was frying up Spam and eggs for my boyfriend on weekends, and he loves it. The Spam Musubi is really a neat snack, but if you eat 2 or 3 that's a meal."

Cha Ching! Money makers guys, if you can find yourself a small shop or a food cart, just sell Spam and you can make some bucks, in fact just have rice on hand, some salted veggies, and a flat top for frying up Spam slices and you ca make a profit.

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