CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Melting Pot 100 Wines R.I.P.

Fondue, lots of wines, posh? Lahaina's Melting Pot 100 Wines went down for the count in February, and looks like they aren't going to be resurrected  they are finish, done, pau! When they first opened a few years ago, I gave them maybe 3 years tops to stay in business. Why? I just did not see the West Maui demographics supporting this concept, not with the way the economy was and still is. So what could have survived this area in the Lahaina Gateway? Well, 2 doors down Outback Steak House still is in business, although their lunch has been canceled. So what kind of restaurant would work in this vicinity? Well, for one, the visitor market is huge, that's our bread and butter, and if restaurant people want to make money they'll need to focus on what visitors come here for. Melting Pot? They can get that shit back home. IHOP? Outback? They're corporate restaurants that can be found in a feeking airport possibly.
So I believe business minded people should wake up, and study the market, study why Michael Moore's Aloha Mixed Plate, Old Lahaina Luau, Star Noodle, and Leoda's is such a success. These restaurants serve food that people want, and will buy. I think Moore should write a book on business and success, he's a genius businessman on Maui, employing hundreds, now that's valuable, a man with vision, great big vision, and putting people to work. All these other Bozos don't have a clue, they'll open up some stupid ass concept restaurant and they'll tank!

What I would do is open restaurants that serve up very delicious local style comfort foods, foods that are rooted in our being, like Japanese foods, Chinese foods, Filipino foods, and even Vietnamese, Thai and Korean, and the Polynesian foods too. Why? Because that's the roots here.

I have talked to many people from all over the world and what do they ask me? It's this, "How come there's a lot of restaurants that look like they belong somewhere else? What do you guys like to eat?" As a matter of fact, some tourist told me that they found more local culture and food in Downtown Honolulu and I do agree to some extent. Melting Pot? Not!

So here's a little advice if you or someone wants to open up a restaurant in Lahaina, study how to cook local type dishes the right way, or hire some locals put them to work, and you should be a success. I mean Chicago Style Pizza? Heck visitors from Chicago don't want to see that. But if someone had Brother Kimo's Plate Lunch Hut, now we're talking.

The sign in the window says it all, R.I.P. Melting Pot, you gave me 2 years more than expected, good try, but guys like you will never last on this island, never!

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