CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, April 12, 2013

MAUI- Sam Sato's Hamburger Steak Plate

You want what we want you visitor from Anyplace U.S.A., you want the local grinez, the local ono (delicious) food we crave on a day off, or after a hard day of fun in the sun. Well my friend, you gotta hit up Sam Sato's in Wailuku for some Hamburger Steaks with gravy, white rice and some tasty macaroni salad on the side, or actually on the same plate. This photo I got from so I wanna say thanks for letting me post this, well I didn't get full permission, but this is where I got it on

Now look at this beautiful picture, look how the brown gravy shines on the hamburger steaks, that's two good sized patties of ground beef seasoned to Sam Sato's perfection, and the two scoops of rice, I just look at it, I know it's cooked perfect, nice and sticky that clings to your fork, take a stab at the hamburger, dip it in some gravy, and take a bite, and quickly nail a fork full of rice, maybe dipping that fork full of rice into the gravy too. And then, a fork full of the tasty macaroni salad. We locals love macaroni salad, I say it all the time and can be repetitive however, we just love it. Macaroni salad, simply made with macaroni noodles cooked just right, mayonnaise, and some shredded carrots and celery. We love mayonnaise, it's like the local sauce, the local dressing. Don't be surprised to see a big local brother asking for a side ramekin of Best Foods Mayonnaise and seeing him scoop it all over his rice and then pouring some soy sauce over it. Yeah it's bad stuff for the heart but that's how we roll here on the island. The fattier the ground beef the more flavor you will have, and the brown gravy needs to look just like this picture, not too cloudy, but sort of clear. Can you smell it? Can you? Man I'm licking my chops man, I need to go to Sam Sato's in Wailuku Town Maui. 

Sam Sato's
1750 Wili Pa Loop
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

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