CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, July 11, 2013


My next project will be to trek over to Las Vegas, Nevada and visit locals and talk to them about food. Locals meaning any person with ties to Hawaii, and the question many ask of Hawaiians in Vegas is this, "With a lot of different cuisines that are very good, why are you looking for a Loco Moco, or Dry Mein?" Well that's why I'm trekking to the so-called 9th Island in August, to do just that figure out why locals still want local food on the mainland.

The local food craze is gaining ground across the U.S. and in other countries, just recently L&L BBQ opened in New Zealand. What? That's right New Zealanders are getting a taste of that local plate lunch, it is happening, it is becoming bigger than the taco and burrito. Why do you figure? Local Hawaiian style foods encompass almost every Asian culture, locals love to delve in Japanese, with the udon noodles, saimin, ramen, miso ahi, sukiyaki. The Chinese, with dim sum, won ton soups, roasted duck, kau yuk. The Filipinos with pork adobo, pinacbet, pancit, pork and peas, lechon, and escebeche. The Koreans with kalbi barbecue, kim chi, meat jun. And other countries are represented in Hawaii, the Portuguese, with the bean soup, sweet bread, malasadas. And new comers from other European countries that injected and fused their styles such as Italian, Greek, German, French, English, you name it, local Hawaiian style is global, and it is taking off.

Last season on the Bravo Network, Chef Sheldon Simeon represented Hawaii well, if you haven't heard of him, he was the Executive Chef at Star Noodle. And just recently my good friend Chef Adam Tabura and his buds filmed their Great Food Truck Race for the Food Network, so local foods are gaining such a huge popularity.

Over the past few years having our own local cooking show on Akaku T.V. we did a lot of different ethnic foods that got people to really stop and think..."That's all to it?" I get asked a lot about local cooking, since I been doing it since I was a kid, it's really simple. Simple is intriguing, simple rules the school, simple good foods.

And when you throw in the location Hawaii...people go nuts, absolutely nuts. So my next trip to Las Vegas I'll be blogging my heart out for my bloggies who follow me. I'll go into as many local style dives I can find, and talk to as many people as I can and post pictures of the delicious "ono" foods too.

Now it's getting the backing to get there.

Until then- Keep in touch here on because Vegas and Hawaii's pipeline will never rupture. 

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