CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, August 2, 2013


Hui Ho ‘O Mo‘a LLC The Production Company based out of Maui. "This company will promote food to its ultimate level utilizing video and the internet and Social Media." says Wilmont Kahaialii, acting Chairperson & Coordinator. "We want to promote chefs from Hawaii, and all over the world."

"We are on the ground floor, and if my wife sees a wider vision than myself with this  project, it is something," continues Kahaialii. "We at this time have two or three key individuals, one is Sascha Bauml who I've known for many years, his media talents are just pure awesome, we are going to go places with this."

Sascha Bauml

Sascha Bauml has been in the media (video) business for many years, his resume runs deep, from running video cameras and editing parts for Xterra, as well as many national television shows, one gig took him to Washington D.C. to assist in filming a concert at the Kennedy Center. Bauml owns his own company Maui Pro Media that is also based out of Maui.

"What brought me to this team was Wilmont Kahaialii, Ron Sambrano, and Danny Agdeppa, it was meeting Ron that made this all possible. When Wilmont invited me for the first meeting to set up shop and let me share my ideas on how to take a simple video concept to a worldwide audience I was all for it," says Bauml. "I've worked with Ron on a few side projects but nothing got off the ground due to the lack of financial support, however with Wilmont leading the way, both Ron and I feel we got a shot to create some awesome videos, and this team will continue to grow."

Ron Sambrano
"Our first meeting was with Danny and Wilmont, however because this now becomes a business that has very huge potential, the direction has changed. Wilmont consulted with Sascha who is a very professional videographer that needs support to make things happen. The things I've learned in this short period is if we want to go to that level of success, we do need to branch out," says Ron.

"Danny Agdeppa and I had a great run with a cooking show called Lick em UP! And that can continue to go to another level, but now this is a full company that is going to many different parts of the globe, it will, I can feel it. In business you need to look at all of the angles, and what is going on in the world, and if you aren't able to change and adapt, you won't succeed."

"I had to rehash some of Ron's ideas, because I could see it was just stagnant, what he and Danny did was very admirable, but I don't think it's the direction Hui Ho ‘O Mo ‘a is going. What they did was cable access stuff," continues Kahaialii. "To get to that other level Ron has to surround himself with professionals, and this is the canoe that will go to different ports, it will promote Hawaii, the people, it will travel to other countries, Ron has a connection in Liverpool, England we will go there for sure."

"This isn't about me, now it becomes a business and more people to be added to the team, in order to go to that next level, we need to go in another direction. Lick em UP! was me and Danny on Akaku TV, it was an uncut cooking show, we did some unreal stuff, had lots of fun, working with Danny was great, and we will continue to work together in the future..our new thing is called Kau Kau Bros. that will feature me and Sascha going out to restaurants and eat, it will also feature chefs at those restaurants, and more that I can't disclose right now for obvious reasons, but this canoe will sail to different lands for sure, I can't wait to get going, and there are many more productions on the back burners, my goal and our goal is to make Hui Ho ‘O Mo ‘a Productions the bar setter in food videos. And in 5 to 10 years maybe a multi-million or billion or gazillion dollar business," says Ron.

The resumes for the three men run deep, Wilmont Kahaialii is brother to Willie K. international musician fame, and also a musician entertainer, and businessman, he is also a spokesperson for many who's voices aren't heard. "I teach people that they have a voice, that you must speak up for yourselves, I help locals who are having issues with the law, I get calls on occasion to help people with discrepancies involving land issues," says Kahaialii. "I also get a high on helping get businesses off the ground like what Ron is doing and Sascha, once they get their team in place, I'll sit back on the board and be an advisor because I know these guys can do the job."

Hui Ho O‘ Mo ‘a is getting ready to sail, and the content will be content that is missing on the tube, the modern day tube that is, stay tuned for some awesome food videos that will be both educational and entertaining.

Danny Agdeppa
Brian Kohne (Get A Job creator) L, and Danny Agdeppa R, Danny Agdeppa was Ron Sambrano's sidekick for 8 years on the Ron Sambrano Kitchen and Lick em UP! one of the most popular shows on Akaku TV Maui. Agdeppa spoke behind the camera as Ron cooked.

"Danny is a part of Hui Ho ‘O Mo ‘a, he's going to be a part of Kau Kau Bros. because Kau Kau Bros will be bringing together lots of people, the more people the better," says Ron.

"Danny and Ron had a reality show before most knew what that was, I believe this can go to greater heights, for certain," says a Danny Agdeppa fan. "Danny was Lick em UP! if it wasn't for is sidekick comments, Sambrano would be standing by himself, Danny made Ron, and Ron made Danny, I think Wilmont's vision is the right vision, I think now Danny and Ron will get their due, it takes others to make things happen."

Copyright 2013 ® Hui Ho ‘O Mo ‘a Productions

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