CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Aloha and welcome to my blog, and welcome as I begin a new chapter in the Chef Sambrano Blog Spot. Com. Where from now on, every post will be geared towards the ever so growing popularity of the Plate Lunch.

Recently my friends from Aloha Plate Truck (The Great Food Truck Race) Food Network winners, has taken the plates of Hawaii to the rest of the world. So, with that being said, on this post I'll go over some things for all of you, especially my mainland friends who are wondering what we eat here in Hawaii.

First of all our Hawaiian culture is so diverse and still growing. Our typical plates have influences from Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Portugal, Italy, Puerto Rico, Mexico, the Philippines, Spain, Tonga, Samoa and it continues to grow.

Now I'm going to borrow some stuff from other websites just so that you can see what we here in Hawaii are all about. Take for example

Da Hawaiian Plate!!!!! 
O.K. what is this? Alright my friends... for one thing, the Hawaiian Plate is the best plate if done right, here's a standard Hawaiian Plate.

2 scoops of white rice, 1 scoop of macaroni salad, a tray of poi (taro), a tray of Lomi Salmon (salmon with tomatoes massaged with Hawaiian Sea Salt), Kalua Pork (pulled pork), and one Lau Lau (steamed beef brisket, pork, and butterfish wrapped in ti leaves).

Now why is local plates so delicious? I asked my buddy Pete.

Pete: What makes local style plates so good is it's simplicity, most plates have the main protein, and the seasonings are very simple, salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, and some other ingredients that's pertinent to the dish itself, but if you are going for a Hawaiian Plate, all the seasonings are basically is Hawaiian Sea Salt, and that let's the natural flavors of the beef and pork stand out.

OK, now you understand we here in Hawaii is comfort foods to the max! And now fancy restaurants are getting into the act. Take Alan Wong's in Wailea, it's upscale local fare, and it's done with that kind of touch, it's all good, but for local food, it's simple, no presentation, just dump the food with gravy over the rice and eat!

So here's some pics of Da Hawaiian Plate.

This pic comes from - 1200 × 1135 - Search by image

On Maui, if you're staying in a condo, hire me and I'll do you an InHome Hawaiian Plate, but if you are looking for a restaurant that serves this up, use your Google and type in Hawaiian Plate Lunches and the town you're in. In the mainland there's Hawaiians there too, so if you look hard enough, I bet you'll find a Hawaiian Plate somewhere near you, but if you're in Hawaii, you'll find it for sure, on all the islands.

Copyright 2013


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