CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, April 27, 2014

MIXOLOGY 101 With Barbara Cobey

Mixology 101 with Mixologist Barbara Cobey 
Creator Ron Sambrano
Co-Creator Sascha Bauml
Executive Producer Sascha Bauml
Assistant, Stage Manager, Susan Welck

This was done at the beginning of 2014 shot on site at Mahinahina Studios of Sascha Bauml, Productions Lead of Da Foodie Boodies, assisted by Susan Welck and Creator Ron Sambrano (Me). Here in this pilot, Barbara mixes some epic drinks for the ladies.

Da Foodie Boodies is on the ground waiting to see what direction it will go. I believe it can go somewhere, but the competition is fierce on the internet with food and beverage videos and its concepts on food. It takes time and money to make these things happen, and just this video was a process that Sacha Bauml had to labor through.

Da Foodie Boodies concept is to have fun and create awesome entertaining food and beverage videos, but again, it takes time and financing to do it. If there is anyone out there who is an investor and wants to see what else we are up to, send us an email or comment on this blog.

Currently the star of this video Barbara Cobey has returned to her home with her husband Bob in Las Vegas, Nevada. The ideas takes time to come into reality, so as of right now Da Foodie Boodies are kind of grounded and not taking flight. It is sad that we can't find an investor to make this happen, the talent is there to do the projects, and Da Foodie Boodies Facebook Group Page always has someone posting a foodie post.

Hopefully Da Foodie Boodie team will find something on their own if this doesn't get picked up soon. But I totally understand that this is a very tough market, a very tough profession to be in, doing foodie videos for fun isn't cutting it anymore, trying to make it all work out financially is the hard part. Kick Starter's calling. (Please click on the link below to watch the pilot)

The video by Sascha Bauml Da Foodie Boodies ©2014 
Anyone wish to use this video must contact him and have his written consent.

© 2014

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