CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, June 28, 2014


"Sorry your sauce was a little to bland."

"Sorry I liked your presentation but the duck was really too salty, Chinese cooking is not you girlfriend, stick to what you know."

"Love it! You're the next Chef of the Universe!!!"

Don't get me wrong, I love videos, love food, love the creations that chefs are dreaming up these days. However within the last few months, my thoughts have changed drastically on how media and food go hand in hand. In the early 90s, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and have since then beaten it, I thank God everyday that it's possibly gone forever, but still I pray that it doesn't come back. Diet is a huge part of why people get sick, we are being blitzed constantly by food ads of edible products that's not healthy. I know the truth, good whole foods can heal cancer as well as other illnesses.

So what's on my mind with the food media? We have a chance to do a 180 on what the sensationalists are doing, promoting chefs like rock stars, promoting foods in such a way I cringe knowing that some of my friends are struggling to just pay rent, and put food on the table. I apologize for I cannot watch another food show on t.v. unless it has total meaning to help someone. Food to us who grew up poor in Hawaii, is to be sacred almost, not to toss around in a food fight, but respected in that, we are thankful whoever cooked for us did just that. If someone offered me food and I refused, my dad would give me an ear full. Never turn away food, unless it's something that will not agree with you, other than that, food and the cook, and the home is to be respected.

Why am I here? I believe I was put on this earth to share whatever it is that God has given me to share with the world, to change the world, to help it see that tomorrow could be there for them, and for the better. I see nothing really wrong with entertainment, and adults acting stupid, in some way it makes me laugh which we all need to do. However, as a producer, as a talent in the food media business, I know deep in my gut, my calling isn't to be a rock star chef, or a rock star producer or blogger. But to create content and products to help a world that is struggling because of illnesses, my job with the right team is to make this ill world a much brighter place to be. I will use my healthy cooking knowledge, by the way I am continuing to learn, to do just that.

My days are numbered, I will strive every day to help those in need, to teach them the right way of cooking and eating so that their health will be enhanced. I hope you who are reading this blog will understand I have a mission from God. And if you do help me, you will have a return on investment. My job is vitally needed. My job will possibly create more jobs. 

Ron Sambrano 

Me (L) Chef Mark Ellman (R)
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