CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, July 14, 2014


Aunties in Hawaii are the women most responsible for getting the food ready for outings, well most of the time. Aunties can range from any loving woman from age 18 to 100. It's common to call a woman who is older than you "aunty" likewise for men "uncle" it's just the way we roll.

So here's a scenario with food and aunties. The kids have a Little League baseball game, and the kids need food for their after game meal. All the moms would get together, like a club, and talk. "Hey what are you bringing?" "I'm bringing the teriyaki, what you bringing?" "I'm gonna get some noodles from Wo Fat's."

Growing up the aunties in our lives were the best! They were caring, especially to those kids that didn't have much, the aunties always pulled through, and in Hawaii all the aunties have this motherly love and caring heart for people especially kids.

I remember watching a baseball game, and this kid got sick in the dugout, and this kid had no parents attending, he had no adults watching him, so to the rescue was this lady that took him to the doctor, and made sure his mom knew what happened. That's how aunties roll, one might say these aunties are stronger than most men, they have this will to just power through!

Aunties can cook, I'm telling you most aunties anyway…they can cook up a mean meal. I know one Hawaiian Portuguese aunty that told me this, "Eh boy, when I was young I knew how to butcher a cow, a deer, a goat, a pig. And we grew our own vegetables and fruit, and we would go on our uncles' boat and go fish for mahi, ahi, aku any kine fish. And we cooked it!

Man, I don't even hunt…I went one time..but that didn't count, some friends of mine decided to take some rifles up into the hills… we shot at deer and missed. Shot at deer and missed. Haha. As far as fishing.. I never caught anything bigger than 20 pounds, and this aunty was telling me she would reel up some 70 pound fish.. insane! Now that's a real cook, wow!

Aunties are kind, they are great bakers, always baking stuff like guava cake, lemon meringue pie, malasadas, brownies, cookies…aunties are the best man, go to any party with a bunch of women that are carrying tin foil pans, and you are gonna eat some good food.

I know some people that moved away for life, and what they miss most of all is that thing called aloha, love of life, people, music and good food…I have a friend in Washington state, she misses Maui, but it's too expensive here for her to live. She also misses all the aunties at parties and get togethers with all that great food.

I gotta say we are blessed to be here on Maui, where this weekend could be a day you are invited to a dinner, or some get together with aunties bringing awesome food for all to enjoy. Yep, what would life be without our aunties? 

© 2014

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