CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, July 21, 2014

CHICKEN HEKKA Recipe of the Day

Today's Recipe of the Day is a dish I think I've blogged before it is called Chicken Hekka (Heh kah). It's origin is Japanese, the ingredients can be found in any Asian aisle in most major supermarket chain in the U.S. and abroad.

This recipe is one that I've done in a test kitchen recently and my guinea pigs liked it, tough one of them said it was, "Ron to ….king sweet!" Hey watch your language!


1 1/2 - 2 lbs chicken thighs bones off, skin on (you can take it off)
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup mirin (Sweet Japanese rice wine)
2 tablespoons safflower oil
3-inch piece ginger root minced fine or use bottled ginger paste
3 medium peeled carrots cut into match sticks
2  round sweet onions, cut into squares
1 can (14 oz) shredded bamboo shoots, drained
1/2 lb rehydrated shitake mushrooms, sliced thin
1 bunch watercress, cut into 2-inch lengths
8 oz pkg long rice. (Soak in warm water until slightly softened, then using a pair of shears, cut them in thirds or in half) set aside.


Slice chicken into bite size pieces. Incorporate the sugar, soy sauce, and mirin. In a fry pan or wok, heat oil to medium high heat, then squeeze the juice from grated ginger into wok, then add the ginger and stir fry until brown; remove the ginger parts. Then add chicken and stir-fry over high heat. Add soy sauce mixture and cook for 2 more minutes. Add vegetables, one at a time, and stir-fry after each addition. Add long rice and cook for 3 more minutes, or until finished. Serves about 6 people.

If you ever come to Maui, and want really good Chicken Hekka, there's a food truck LAU HEE CHICKEN HEKKA TRUCK that parks close to the Kahului Harbor on Beach Road. This is the food truck, so if you see this on the side of the road, pull over and order a plate of Chicken Hekka. If you like sukiyaki, teriyaki, and kalbi you'll love this one, it's an island favorite.

© 2014

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