CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Today's recipe of the day is my Supreme Scrambled Eggs. Let's talk about the scrambled egg, first of all there's different versions of it. One is the omelet style, the cook cracks a couple of eggs, then she scrambles the eggs in a bowl, then pours it into a hot pan with fat or oil and fries it up. And then there's what I call real scrambled eggs, in fact I'll do a video of it soon but in written form I'll attempt to draw you a picture.

First you'll need a nonstick saucepan, not a frying pan. Say at least a 2 quart pan no lid required. 

4 large eggs
1/4 cup of minced onions
1 clove minced garlic
1/2 stick unsalted butter
1/2 cup of heavy cream
Salt and Pepper to taste.


1. Take the sauce pan and preheat it over medium high heat for about 2 minutes.

2. Remove the pan from the heat, and add in the butter, melt it, returning the pan to the stove top, but turn the heat down to medium.

3. Add in the onions and garlic, cook it down by stirring it constantly into the butter, always stirring so the items doesn't burn.

4. Crack the eggs one at a time into the pan, then stir it continuously, don't stop, keep cooking over medium heat, you want a fluffy product. Add in the heavy heavy cream, continue to stir into a fluffy product. After a few minutes of continuous stirring, it should become fluffy.

5. Once it is cooked through you can serve someone in bed, there's nothing like having loved ones serve you breakfast in bed.

Note: The best scrambled eggs I've eaten before came from my sister Esther, when we were kids, she'd make us scrambled eggs by stirring the eggs in the pan with milk, it turned out very fluffy, unlike the omelet style of scrambled eggs.

Good luck my foodies!

© 2014

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