CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Foodies…let's do some learning about beer, the temperature it should be served and the different glasses that are out there. Now I'm talking to you dudes out there that want to give your new lady friend some good impresario if you gets my drift! Listen to me Junior, you want to be cool, and not just some doofus that drinks beer and is filled with an F this F that vocabulary.
It's time you guys become civilized, and just because you started taking mixed martial arts training, doesn't mean you can kick everyone's ass, so chill out and learn to be a Gentleman okay?

Let's talk beer and the temperatures it should be served, and in this blog I won't get into styles and brew masters and all that, or brands, that's for another time altogether. So look at the list below.

Very cold (0-4C/32-39F): Any beer you don’t actually want to taste. Pale Lager, Malt Liquor, Canadian-style Golden Ale and Cream Ale, Low Alcohol, Canadian, American or Scandinavian-style Cider.
Cold (4-7C/39-45F): Hefeweizen, Kristalweizen, Kölsch, Premium Lager, Pilsner, Classic German Pilsner, Fruit Beer, brewpub-style Golden Ale, European Strong Lager, Berliner Weisse, Belgian White, American Dark Lager, sweetened Fruit Lambics and Gueuzes, Duvel-types
Cool (8-12C/45-54F): American Pale Ale, Amber Ale, California Common, Dunkelweizen, Sweet Stout, Stout, Dry Stout, Porter, English-style Golden Ale, unsweetened Fruit Lambics and Gueuzes, Faro, Belgian Ale, Bohemian Pilsner, Dunkel, Dortmunder/Helles, Vienna, Schwarzbier, Smoked, Altbier, Tripel, Irish Ale, French or Spanish-style Cider
Cellar (12-14C/54-57F): Bitter, Premium Bitter, Brown Ale, India Pale Ale, English Pale Ale, English Strong Ale, Old Ale, Saison, Unblended Lambic, Flemish Sour Ale, Bière de Garde, Baltic Porter, Abbey Dubbel, Belgian Strong Ale, Weizen Bock, Bock, Foreign Stout, Zwickel/Keller/Landbier, Scottish Ale, Scotch Ale, American Strong Ale, Mild, English-style Cider 
Warm (14-16C/57-61F): Barley Wine, Abt/Quadrupel, Imperial Stout, Imperial/Double IPA, Doppelbock, Eisbock, Hot (70C/158F): Quelque Chose, Liefmans Glühkriek, dark, spiced winter ales like Daleside Morocco Ale.

All of us have been into the super cold beers right? Of course man, it's the American way bro. "Hey Jimmy Yo! It's been a f….g hot day lifting heavy shit, say we get some cold brews at the strip joint!" Yes, we are the ice cold culture. However did you know that there are a lot of good beers out in the world that don't need to be near frozen to be enjoyed? I mean there's some beers I was turned on to that was served at room temperature and it was okay. Well, study the list, and Google some brands. Try something new, and if your date loves beer, why don't you and her go out and try and find a six pack together, try something new. Maybe a dark beer if you haven't tried it. Go to some beer sampling events and get in the know, yours truly I'm still learning myself, it'll be a long time before I get my master foodie badge.

Okay let's look at some different glasses for beers.

Beer Flute Glass this gives your beer a nice presentation, flutes aren't just for Champagne, it can be for beer as well. Make sure you chill the glasses before using. According to Beer Advocate, it also releases volatiles quickly for a more intense upfront aroma. Use this flute glass with these styles of beers listed below, courtesy of Beer Advocate.

Beer Goblet (Chalice) a goblet or chalice is an eye candy, and designed to maintain head. It has a wide mouth for deep sips. Use this glass for the beers listed below, courtesy of Beer Advocate.

Beer Mug (or Seidal, Stein) a mug is sturdy, and it's easy to handle, a mug is a fun piece of glass, especially for watching sports, as many mugs are large enough to put a teams' logo on it. Use with the list of beers below courtesy of Beer Advocate.

Pint Glass (or Becker, Nonic, Tumbler) these are nice glasses it comes in 16 fl oz. and 20 fl oz it accommodates beers with large heads. Good for taps too. Use with the beers listed below courtesy of Beer Advocate.
Okay there's a few more glass styles for beers, but this should keep your interests in beer and its glasses piqued for the time being. I got to go to sleep soon, take it easy, and we'll cover the rest of the MJ top tequilas later on.

Ron Sambrano
© 2014

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