CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, May 23, 2015


In Hawaii the dessert bread of choice for all locals involved is...the Portuguese Sweet Bread. Brought over from Portugal, the Portuguese settlers in Hawaii turned us on to this very tasty, versatile bread. The golden shiny crust with the soft and delcious inside, the color yellow because of the eggs used. The bread is sweet, and great toasted with real butter, sliced for sandwiches, sliced for French Toast in the mornings, this invention is made with love by many moms, aunties, and grandmas... each with their own recipe but the end product very similar.

I remember growing up we'd have fund raisers for our elementary school band, or little league baseball, to raise the money needed we'd sell sweet bread by the boxes. No one could resist it, "Hey wanna buy sweet bread? Three dollars for one?" The local hearts were always willing to help out the kids for their trips or new equipment, or uniforms. I remember selling several dozen with the help of neighbors, man those were the good old days.

If you ever come to Hawaii, you got to get some sweet bread, sometimes it is sold in a large loaf, or into rolls. Frankly I love the rolls if I'm on the road, just break a few and dip it into my hot coffee, or slather butter all over it and just eat it like that. If on Maui check the local markets, sometimes they'll stock it as fresh as can be from local bakeries, or the best yet would be to find some church bazaar and get it from the real deal home loving bakers, the moms, aunties and grandmothers I was talking about. Try it you'll love it.

Think a piece of bbq brisket in between some sweet bread, you can't go wrong for this bread is versatile. Until next time happy grines.

© 2015

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