CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, June 8, 2015


Garden to table, an old concept. However retracing this idea, it was mandatory back in the day when people were totally rural and had little access to a local market.

I remember one of my mom's old stories she used to tell me. Long time ago when they lived in the camps of the sugar plantation on Maui, they had to raise pigs, to make money by selling it off, or to keep for the family to eat. They also had a garden with eggplant, bitter melons, pumpkins, green onions, okra, and cherry tomatoes. Those days they had to be self sufficient, and to barter was the only way to get around. If you needed some carpentry done, you could give the carpenter some vegetables for his time, if of course the job wasn't really huge. 

Fast forward big time to today, you see it in newspapers, television programs, and on the internet, the concept of farm to table, or garden to kitchen... whatever the term, the meaning is simple. Grow your own edible plants, it is more cost efficient, it tastes better, and it's the way to go as prices for shipping food will go up and not down.

Being in Hawaii, thousands of miles from the U.S. Mainland's west coast and seaports, our food must be shipped in. Lots of it preserved in one way or another so when it reaches the islands, it will last on the supermarket shelves. Growing your own fruits and vegetables if you have some space in your yard is a really good investment. All of us must try it. And if you are in a draught affected region, there are edible plants that do not consume large amounts of water, study this trend it is vital.

Farmers are our food providers, without them we don't eat. Farmers that raise livestock, grow wheat, rice, and everything we need, without them we suffer. I'm not going into the whole genetically altered foods debate, but I'm just saying we as a people, the ordinary people should wake up and smell the coffee, because our world is getting over populated, food that doesn't make it to the store shelves means even though you got money, there won't be any food to purchase. So having that said, so even if you only grow a bunch of tomatoes indoors...guess what, if the food shipment didn't come in, at least you'll have some tomatoes to munch on, good fresh untampered with tomatoes.

Until next time peace out.

Photo above is copyrighted © 2015 Ron Sambrano 

© 2015

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