CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Wake up Maui! Eggs for breakfast, the cost of eggs going up, but WTF, who cares! It's a soft scramble time for all of you lovers of creamy scrambled eggs.

Today I'll twist this one up a bit, and for you breakfast connoisseurs, and breakfast chefs out there you know how to make a good moist scramble, but some of you out there when a person asks you to please cook their scramble eggs soft, you still kill the bitch!

I like to call my scrambled eggs Grumbles. So today I'll give to you my KALE and TOMATO GRUMBLE, with WHOLE GRAIN TOAST, and PORTUGUESE SAUSAGE.

The trick to good soft scrambles is to not make your pan too hot, that's a big ass NAY! You want to use a non stick pan of course, and you'll need some fat to cook the eggs in, a good vegetable oil, or even butter. Sometimes I'll use Safflower oil, it's a soft oil and great for soft scrambles. Also test out the heat all the time, once you pour the beaten eggs into the pan, you'll need a spatula to keep stirring the eggs to fluff them up. If the pan is too hot, pull it off of the heat and finish cooking off the heat, you'll end up with perfect soft not overcooked scrambles, or in my kitchen a Grumble.

© 2015
This is a plated 3 eggs, Kale & Tomato Grumble, with Portuguese Sausage, and whole grain toast.

The ingredients are simple.

1 bunch of curly kale: I like these because of the jagged and curvy texture, you will need to peel the leaves off of the spine by hand, and just shred the leaves with your fingers, or chop them with a veggie cleaver.

1 package of plum or cherry tomatoes, sliced in half: These make good mixers for Grumbles or omelets.

1 dozen large eggs: Each Grumble gets (3) beaten eggs, beat them and add a dash of sea salt to it, and pepper if you so choose.

Sour Cream: You will put a good tablespoon dollop of sour cream into the scramble, in the pan right before it is done cooking, the sour cream adds a nice flavor, and makes the Grumble creamy.

Vegetable oil for cooking.

10 oz. mild Portuguese sausage, cut into diagonal slices, and cooked on a hot stainless steel pan, do this before the eggs, and keep it warm with covered foil.

Whole grain bread: Toast these and slice in half.


1. Pre cook the cherry or plum tomatoes, then set them aside in a bowl, you will add them together after the next step which is to cook and soften up the kale.
2. Once the kale wilts a bit, return the cooked tomatoes to the pan, and heat up for about 30 seconds.

3. Add the beaten eggs to the pan over medium high heat, and immediately with a spatula stir it up, let it Grumble.

4. Keep stirring so the eggs does not burn, if heat is too high, turn it down and continue to stir.

5. As the eggs begin to finalize its cooking process, immediately stir in a good tablespoon dollop of sour cream, and continue to stir it in completely.

6. Once the sour cream is in concert with the eggs, remove it quickly so it doesn't over cook and become a well done scramble. You want it soft and fluffy. Hint guys, lots of women love fluffy eggs for breakfast. No pun intended!

YAY! The finished Grumble with toast and Portuguese Sausage!!!!

© 2015

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