CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Fruit Loops... Fruity Froot Loops! Remember this when you were a kid? This was one of my favorite cereals of all time. 

Tucan Sam the colorful Tucan was cool in his animated state. After all it was during Saturday morning cartoons that this commercial would come on. This cereal was totally fruity, and very sweet. Who cared if it was artificially flavored and the artificial coloring may give you cancer... it was good that's all we cared about. And as we got older smoking weed, Fruit Loops out of the box was great. "Hey Wayne drive to Mc Donald's man I'm hungry, got the munchies.".... "Ah don't we have Fruit Loops in the kitchen?" Even with the milk, you eat all the cereal and you got a flavored milk to slurp down... it was heaven back then I tell you heaven. 

Other weird things to do with this cereal... how about crushing it and using it as a topping for your ice cream? Or, use the crushed cereal and put it over a birthday cake? Maybe you can think of something.

© 2015

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