CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, July 27, 2015



What do I expect when I'm dining out? For one thing, please keep the menu in plain English. I mean, if there's some cultural thing going on when naming a dish, I'd respect that immensely, however, if I've never been to Vietnam before, please have an English name for the dish and a brief on what is in it in parenthesis. Simple. Though I'm getting more educated in dining out, still I don't care, please label the stuff.

And I hate it when a waiter goes, "Is that an iPhone? Well just google search it." It's like F >>>> you! You work here, if you want a tip, you bladdy better tell me what this s..t is! That's all.

But the biggest gripe I have is this, most of us live in an English speaking locale, so it would be good for biz, if these so called chefs with their big ass egos to lighten up a bit, and give us their fancy name for the dish as well as a simple term for it. If it's a salmon with wine sauce, I don't give a blank what you call it in French, or I can respect that, but at least put it in print on your menus, "Hey non speaking French dip shit, this here is a salmon in wine sauce!" Boom, I'm good to go! See what I mean? 

I like Texans, they don't take shit, it's like if it's steak your eating, just print steak. If it's a fricking whale you're eating, write down whale, no monikers, no a.k.a. just the name of it. If we are served frogs, just say frogs. If it's a pig, just say pig. And if it's a prime Japanese pork chop, just say, "Prime Japanese Pork Chop" and we'll get the big ass picture. But NOOOO, these anal heads need to be fancy and shit! Okay enough of my griping, have a nice foodie day.

© 2015

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