CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, August 16, 2015


In Hawaii high school graduation parties are huge, it is a special event that brings the graduate to the forefront. What he or she will do with the rest of their lives? Who knows and all we can do is pray that they will follow the right paths for themselves and be happy and healthy along the way, to be decent human beings in society. 

Last Friday evening we celebrated my nephew's graduation, though it was two months after he did graduate, the party was a success. We ate the typical Hawaiian foods found at luau celebrations. Kalua pork, poke, squid luau, crab, opihi, fried fish, rice, salad and other desserts like cake, and haupia.

But the main purpose of any Hawaiian party is the gathering of family and friends to celebrate a young adult's journey into the real world. That's all it is, we do things simple in Hawaii, the food is simple though hard work to prepare it, it's just simple stuff if you get my drift. Nothing fancy that's what I meant. Just simple comfort foods to keep everyone well... comfortable.

© 2015

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