CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, August 24, 2015


What's delicious? What makes your living room smell with comforting aroma? Food! That's what food! There's nothing like simple food, that makes you feel good, and growing up, when mom would be in the kitchen, and she'd fry up some sausage, it made the house smell totally gooooood. Simple, easy. No need for anything but the sausage, and a hot pan, some good bread or rice, maybe some ketchup you are good to go. Well not just sausage, frying up anything delicious makes your living room smell good. Of course don't fry a mackerel, that'll mess up the nostrils. But some good quality meats and veggies seasoned with some good aromatics, mmmmmm, that's the one! That's what makes home a home, family family, good simple food coming from the kitchen, and cooked on a simple device called the frying pan.

Until next time

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