CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Food truck operators are everywhere! They are in the neighborhoods, shopping center parking lots, beaches, parks, at sporting events, rock concerts, moto cross races, funerals, you name it there's a food truck near by. So what's up with this obsession of an eatery on wheels? I mean there's a show specifically produced for this on the Food Network. I've talked to some operators on Maui and here's what some of them have to say. For some reason, non of them wants to use their names and their businesses, I don't know why, it would be free advertising right? Right? No? Well whatever.



Food trucky No.1: "I get to set my own hours, I don't have a high overhead, I don't need lots of permits, I don't have a greedy landlord that wants 20% more off the top of my sales in the event I have a good month. It's total freedom."

Food trucky No. 2: "I only sell one dish, I'm not a trained chef, I make one dish really well, and I have my following. It be hard to open a brick and mortar eatery and sell only one item. Me, I don't care, I love what I cook. You don't like my cooking keep on driving."



Food trucky No. 3: "We've had success with this food truck serving fish, we get to set our own times of operation. If we don't want to work on a certain day, we can relax. And it's very cost efficient, the truck is much more inexpensive then paying for square footage in some strip mall, or some other building."

Food trucky No. 4: "Ours is a trailer... and we got this from the mainland, built to our specs, and it's fun. We park across the school, and there's offices nearby, so we get a mix of customers, kids, professionals, and everyday people, both locals and visitors too, and the cost is much better than having a restaurant, the overhead would kill me."

You know what would be cool is to have a food truck that serves up breakfast all day, that would be totally cool. I love breakfast, and having a breakfast on wheels rolling through town would be awesome, like if I want eggs Benedict, or killer French toast, or a Portuguese sausage omelet, I could flag the guy down, "Hey stop stop stop!!! I want to eat breakfast." With my luck the guy would be all sold out, "Sorry man, I sold out!" hahahahahaha.

Until next time.
© 2015

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