CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, October 30, 2015


Happy Halloween Foodies! Remember that scary ass movie The Exorcist? Look at the pic to the left, looks like it's an over dose of Monsanto corn. Or lack of protein? Maybe too much protein? Well, never mind that, it's Halloween, a time when some peeps can live out their fantasies just for one day or night, maybe it's a serial killer, or a guy that wanted to be Pam Anderson, or a football player like O.J., the list goes on and on. Halloween, what's a foodie to eat on Halloween? Well, it is the harvest time of the year, maybe some pumpkin? Roasted kabocha and put into some soup. Pumpkin cake? Pumpkin mixed with marijuana and made into some cookies? I don't know. I don't know what foodies will be eating this Halloween, I mean.. It's not like Thanksgiving when we all go to grandma's or Christmas when we all go to grandma's... Halloween, I mean... do we even sit down together for Halloween? When's the last time I said to my family, "Hey we are going to aunt Judy's for Halloween dinner, you kids be on your best behavior, and Junior, say grace will you, and take out those Dracula fangs before you do it, and Amy will you cover yourself up, I mean I know you're in college, but you can't look like a prostitute at aunt Judy's for Christ's sake!"


Just make sure that if you guys are going to eat at somebody's house for Halloween, make sure you check the peppered steak for any razor blades, bring along a guy you hate, and make him sample the food first, if he rolls over and starts to foam at the mouth, there's a possibility that the food has been poisoned. Just be careful, I mean I don't have any stats, but I figure every Halloween, there must be at least one apple/razor blade debacle. Be safe, wear your costume with pride, wear that Caitlyn Jenner wig with pride, wear that OJ Simpson mask with pride, yes this is America, the land of the foolish, deceived, and flat out mentally retarded. Have you seen Halloween lately? Freeking adults supersede the kids when it comes to dressing up... Really? Or it's just a one day or night reason to get totally _______ faced! Whatever you eat, check it out first, be safe foodies. Have a Yay Yay Halloween.




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