CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Basics, sounds boring! I tell you what, without basics in anything, you lose all the time. For instance. A baseball player gets lazy in the batter's box, he'll strike out. A free safety not studying wide receivers, he'll get burned for touchdowns. A cop that doesn't practice self defense or shoots his Glock at the range will get killed! Basics! Get back to it, and in the kitchen basics is very important.


Here's a question, is it safer to use a dull knife or a sharp knife? A dull knife is much more dangerous, you want that knife to slice, chop, mince with ease like a sharp razor, so always keep them knives sharp. 


How do you prevent crying when slicing an onion? Just remove the roots of the onion, take a paring knife and slice around the root, digging out the core. Here watch this video.


How about frying some chicken in a fry pan? When do you know that the oil is hot enough? Toss a small piece of bread in the oil, when it sizzles and turns brown that oil is hot enough to fry your gramma's fried chicken recipe, don't forget to save me a few thighs, I'm a thigh man.


There you have some basics, until next time be safe y'all!

© 2015

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