CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, November 30, 2015


With the Holidays here, Black Friday is behind us, and more family and friends will be invited for festive occasions. Being a cook, and mind you, I haven't been cooking for a few months, I kind of like not cooking, haha. Which leads me to this one basic recipe for custard.

Custard is one of my favorites, filled in puff pastry for a cream puff, or in a custard pie, the list goes on and on, especially when a very lovely person bakes a fruity infused custard, man, that's heaven. One time at work some nice woman, baked us some custard lilikoi pies. Man it was awesome, so sweet, and rich, man it was really was! Christmas time, we have so much food being passed around, we really should be thankful... anyway, let's get to making a basic custard.

(Makes 6)

2 cups of milk
2 large eggs
* 2 egg yolks (whites removed)
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 1/4 tsp. of pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Ground nutmeg for garnish

Preheat oven to 300 F

1. Set 6- 4 oz. oven ready  ramekins in a deep baking pan wide enough for 6.

2. In a saucepan simmer the milk over medium low heat, not too hot.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk the 2 whole eggs, 2 egg yolks, brown sugar, vanilla extract, and cinnamon.

4. Very carefully, and slowly pour the egg mixture into the simmering milk, and whisk to combine.

5. Use a fine strainer or sieve, to strain the mixture into the cups that's inside the baking pan. Use a spatula to press the mix through. It may be clogged but no worries.

6. Pour some hot water (Not boiling) into the pan until it just reaches halfway up the sides of each ramekin or cup.

7. Bake until the custard is just settled, about 30-35 minutes. (if you are using a convection oven it may be faster, so please keep your eyes and nose on it).

8. Remove from pan, rinse out baking pan, fill with cold water, and let sit for 2 hours before serving. (When it is cool to the touch, you can put it in the fridge, when ready to serve top with ground nutmeg.)



Well that was the simple custard recipe. I like simple stuff, it's YAY YAY.. got to be simple... I mean, don't buy it if you can make it, you silly Xmas foodies. :))))

© 2015

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