CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, January 11, 2016


Man I could go for some chicken curry right now, homemade, hot and fresh over some white sticky Cal Rose medium grain rice. Life is great when there's chicken curry for dinner, or heck any old time. The gravy over the rice, mmmm good! The aroma of the curry mix. I mean, even if you bought the ready made mixes, it's good stuff. I mean there's the Indian influence kind, there's the Malaysia kind. There's the Thai kind. And our kind, Hawaiian kind. Or kine. I used to watch my buddy's moms make chicken curry when we were kids, because we never made that in our house. I'd watch as my buddy's mom would thaw out the chicken wings, then separate the pieces with her cleaver. Then she would season the wings with salt and pepper, and curry powder and let it sit on the side. 

Then she would get veggies, like potatoes, and carrots and par boil them. Then she would get her pot out, and put oil in it, and then she would brown all the chicken wings so the juices from the chicken would come out. Then she would add some canned chicken broth to the pot, not a lot, just to cover it. Then she would add more curry powder, salt and pepper to taste. She'd just simmer it for about an hour, then add in the par boiled veggies, and simmer for another half an our or so. She'd continue to taste the gravy, adding more curry, or salt and pepper. Right at the end about five minutes before it was done, she would stir in some heavy cream to thicken it up and give it a nice texture. And then a pat of cold butter for more richness. That was it man, simple for your dimple baby!

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