CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Vegan meals is delicious, one might think that this type of cooking will resemble eating cardboard, which is far from the truth. In this post the recipe will be very simple, and shopping at a natural food store will allow you to purchase organic or all natural ready made items.

What is vegan? 
Vegan cooking means no animal products will be used, everything will be plant based. In this recipe organic eggplant will be the star ingredient.


2 large organic round eggplants, peeled and sliced about 1/4" thick. Sprinkle some salt over all of the pieces on both sides and let it sit. This draws out some moisture.

2 cups of cooked organic brown rice.
2 medium organic roma tomatoes diced
2 cloves garlic minced
2 tbsp. organic olive oil
1/2 medium organic round onion rough chopped
1/2 cup organic Tamari soy sauce
1 tbsp. organic sesame oil

1/4 cup chopped organic parsley


1. Using a nonstick skillet, add in about 1/2 cup of safflower oil over medium high heat, and fry each eggplant slice, and set aside each slice on paper towels to drain oil. You may need to add more oil as eggplant soaks up oil quickly.

2. In the same skillet, remove oil, and put in the olive oil, and heat up the garlic, tomatoes, onion for a couple minutes, then add in the cooked brown rice, cook through, add in the tamari soy sauce and sesame oil, and toss to coat. 

3. Remove rice from skillet on to a large platter, garnish with parsley, add salt and pepper if needed.

Serve with cooked sliced eggplant, have extra tamari soy sauce for eggplant as the primary condiment.

Until Next Time
Ron Sambrano



© 2016

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