CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, March 17, 2016


This is going to be a short blog post folks, simply because I am very busy doing some other projects, but just checking in eh?

Let's talk about infusing butter, what does that mean? Well, if you ever had shrimp scampi, you probably had it with infused butter. It just means that some other ingredient was added to the cooking process where butter was the main fat. For instance, when you are sautéing with butter, but before your protein hits the hot butter, you toss in some minced garlic, and some wine. Well you just infused your butter in the hot pan.

Now, you can infuse, or flavor butter by just softening up the butter at room temperature, and if it's softened you can add to it. You can add parsley flakes to it, garlic pieces, you can add pepper flakes, all kinds of items. I know one dude that infused his butter with furikake flakes. Go figure.

Just remember, infusing simply means adding to. So go ahead and infuse your butter, but make sure you use unsalted butter when infusing other ingredients because salted butter can rob the infused ingredients of its true flavoring.

Ron Sambrano Blogger

© 2016

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