CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Diabetic Shakes

45-60 grams of carbohydrates is what the American Diabetes Association recommends for each meal. Shakes, or smoothies is a very good way to pack your proteins, fiber, vitamins, iron, and carbs into one drink.

Bananas are a good source for carbs, and a medium banana provides 27 grams of carbs, and will thicken the drink. And has potassium.

To make an 8 oz. Banana Smoothie, you can use low fat dairy products to help liquify. Or soy milk, and crushed ice will help. 

Also a cup of frozen strawberries will provide 13 grams of carbs, as well as important antioxidants. Smoothies can be a dessert as well. These are all good to consume, and always make sure you talk to your dietician and check your sugar levels. Learning to eat properly for diabetes will take time, however once you are on the right track, you will probably never go off of it. 

© 2016

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