CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Poke Pantry

Today is one of those days, I'm thinking about poke. And the ingredients for it. If you haven't been in the loop, poke has taken a new dimension!

For instance the standard shoyu poke, or the Hawaiian Style Ahi Poke, has gone international. And of course it will. Indeed. I've seen Italian style with ahi, garlic, tomato sauce! Nay! Not in a poke, maybe a marinara, sorry fellas! Sorry Wise Guys! I've seen Korean style. OK I can run with that, it's Asian, and poke is more of an Asian kind of thing, to me anyhow.

But it's all good. No worries. People making a dish more to their liking. I mean sometimes believe it or not, I'll use chow fun noodles to make seafood pasta. There you go, I'm a hypocrite.

So let's get into the basic Hawaiian Style Poke shall we? Now before you guys kill me, an old friend who is Hawaiian told me, "Eh Boy, we never used Ahi for make poke, we just wen use Aku!" Now Ahi is the sweet tuna, its aroma doesn't permeate the whole fish market when sliced up and gutted. As opposed to the Skipjack, or Aku, this one is more pronounced on the nose, and definitely when it hits the tongue. One stuck up chef told me, "Hell I'll never use that piece a crap fish!" Oh well, screw chef boy.

So in this basic recipe for Hawaiian Style Poke, you can use a pound of either Ahi or Aku, just cut it up into cubes, and keep it cold.

But let's look at one of Hawaii's God Father of Poke, Chef Sam Choy's recipe shall we...

Sam Choy’s Hawaiian Style Poke
(Serves 4-6 as an Appetizer)
1 Pound Sashimi Grade Ahi Tuna, cut into ¾ inch dice
1 Medium-size Tomato, trimmed and cut into ¼ inch dice
½ Cup Onion, Peeled & Chopped
2 Tablespoons Shoyu
1 Teaspoon Seasame Oil
½ Teaspoon Granulated Sugar
½ Teaspoon Red Chili Flakes OR 1 Hawaiian Chili Pepper, Trimmed & Minced
2 Teaspoons Green Onion, Chopped for Garnish
Preparation: Combine the Ahi, Tomato, Onion, Shoyu, Sesame Oil, Sugar, and the Red Chili Pepper. Mix Well. Allow flavors to blend for 1 hour before serving. Garnish with the chopped green onion before serving.
* In some recipes to make it really Hawaiian, add in some kukui nut (Inamona) below.
And if you can get some ogo (seaweed) below.

These two Hawaiian ingredients will elevate the flavors to make it really a Hawaiian Style Poke! (below)

Thanks for stopping by foodies!

© 2016

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