CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, August 7, 2016


What's a great pastry/dessert that goes well with coffee, hot chocolate, or a port? I tell ya what... it's the ever so, sweet and creamy Cream Puff. Yay! Cream Puffs! We all want Cream Puffs!

When we were kids my mother the lovely Peggy Sambrano would work full-time at the old Nashiwa Bakery in Lahaina Town. And one of my faves were the cream puff. It's exactly what the name implies, it is a puffy shell pastry with a sweet creamy filling, hence cream puff.

Here's a simple recipe for you, now remember I myself am not an expert baker. I kinda suck at the baking department. But hey, I'm still learning.

INGREDIENTS Makes about 20 small guys

2- 3.5 oz. packages of instant vanilla pudding mix. (why not?)
2 cups of heavy cream
1 cup of whole milk
1/2 cup butter
1 cup water
1/3 tsp. sea salt
1 cup of a.p. flour
4 whole large eggs


1. Mix the vanilla instant pudding mix with the cream and milk, then cover it with plastic wrap and chill it in the fridge until it sets.

2. Preheat your oven to 425 deg. F. Or 400 deg. F if you have a convection oven.

3. In a large enough pot, boil the water and butter. Add in and stir the flour and salt until the mixture forms a round looking ball. Then move the dough to a large mixing bowl, and using a mixing spoon, beat in the eggs one at a time. Mix it well. Drop single tablespoonfuls of dough onto a baking sheet that is ungreased.

4. Bake for about 20-25 minute until golden brown, check the centers it should be dry, using a long toothpick, insert it and see if it is moist when to pull it out. Let it cool on racks.

5. When the shells are cool, using a pastry bag, insert the nozzle into the side top of the shell, and fill. * Using a knife make a small hole in the shell so the nozzle can penetrate the shell.

Yay, you are all done, enjoy!

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