CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Local style breakfast, 2 eggs over easy, a can of fried Libby's Vienna Sausage, toast with butter, and whatever beverage you want, it's all good, ready for that Yay Day!

Growing up we did not have lots of money, in fact we still don't, but we get by. When times are a bit slim on cash, and we need to stock up on some food, we really don't hesitate on buying canned foods. Now before you hardcore organic vegans crucify me, we grew up on canned foods. Well not all the time we ate that stuff, but look. If we can't stock up on good beef steaks for breakfast, the next best thing is getting the canned stuff. And believe it or not, I turned on some of my buddies who just thought canned foods are gross, and had them try Libby's canned Vienna Sausage, and guess what? They liked that shit! Really! No shit!

So if you are low on cash, and can't afford the good breakfast sausage, try a can of Libby's Vienna, you may like it. Of course don't eat that all of the time, you can get sick. Just enjoy it in moderation. Simply take out the sausage from the can, drain the water, and toss it into a pan with some vegetable oil, and fry it as crispy as you want.

© 2017

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