CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Do you love salmon? My favorite is salmon sashimi, raw fresh salmon, chilled. Just have fun with that sashimi knife and slice up some cuts. On this day just having some fun in our kitchen studio, I got a pound of king filet, and sliced up some pieces. Made some rectangular forms, and a couple of roses. The practice continues.

The richness of the salmon is perfect, the tenderness, the buttery texture, the flavor is unique. In fact I served this with just soy sauce and ginger, no wasabi, no hot mustard, just simple stuff, for a simple dish. Listen, don't get too complicated with sauces, a lot of times sauces mess up a good thing. Like the other day I went to Burger King, ordered the King Bacon Burger. And it was filled with ketchup and mayo, it was ridiculous. Keep sauces to a minimum, let the true star of the dish standout! In this case it was the King.

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