CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Sushi, the ultimate. Seasoned white rice, with rice vinegar, mirin, kombu, brilliant! Absolutely fantastic. Stretched medium size shrimp, cleaned, shelled, and battered in tempura batter, and fried, seasoned with salt and pepper. Cucumber slices, sesame seeds toasted. So good. And then all rolled into an inside out foodie love affair. Oh yeah I forgot, poached asparagus too. Lemons for garnish, and topped with Kum Kee's Sriracha Mayonnaise. Hmmm so good. And you don't need to be a master sushi roller, shit, just have fun rolling it. If it's loose, who gives a _________!

I rolled about 5 of these guys, and it sold out at our house, so shit I must be doing something right eh? Cool baby! And just think, in about 10 weeks, it's MLB time again! Yee Ha, is the DODGERS going all the way this year? Ahhhhh......who cares!


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