CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Hello foodies how's it going? Today I want to talk about foods we eat. And t.v. shows on chefs, and foodies. I was watching Adam Zimmerman the other day, and he was I think in Vietnam, or Thailand, sorry, one of those countries. And don't get me wrong, in this post I in no way is making fun of any culture and what they eat to survive. A lot of countries are in deep poverty, and they make due with what they can get that's available. For one, even if I got a gig to go around the world and eat foods I'm not accustomed to eating, and getting paid a lot, I probably would not take the gig, call me chicken, weak, whatever. The only way I'll eat something like- monkey brains, is if it's a fact I ain't getting any beef any time soon. I'll leave that up to Zimm. But again, I am not making fun of any culture. Now let me take that back. Let's say I traveled to the Philippines, and some family offered me monkey brains, if that's what they serve, well I can't turn that down, so I'm not a big wuss. I will try it. Only if I have to. I'm not going out of my way to get a pound of monkey brains, and some garlic and ginger to stir-fry it up.

Back to t.v. shows, and the people that host these programs, the show with Zimmerman, he was with a native family and the entree was rat. That's right rat. Now, I live near an abandoned cane field, and we have lots of rats in the summertime. And big ones. First thing comes to my mind is, "Rat ain't food." For the show Zimmerman sampled rat, grilled. Now he ate it. Yeah, he's worth a million an episode. And it's got to be scripted man, through a translator he was saying, "I'm thankful for being here and being seated here with you to eat this." To that effect. But really? I'd say that shit too if I was getting paid six figures maybe more for that episode. Yeah, the only way I'll eat rat, is if that's the only thing I can get my hands on. If there's some blades of grass near by, I'm a vegetarian. I'll munch on tree bark, screw eating rat, even if the natives said that it's not going to make me sick. Now again, I'm not making fun of native culture that eat rats, or anything I don't eat.

I think it's a sick thing when t.v. starts to showcase different cultures, maybe for the natives, it's taboo, showcasing them, I don't know. But if the producers give them money in exchange, hey I don't blame them for selling out. But c'mon, who watches Zimmerman and really says, "Hey honey, that Andrew guy is eating Kangaroo pussy, let's try that." I bet you anything, most viewers are turning the station. Shit whatever happened to just cooking a dish, I miss shows that just has a guy or lady cooking. But now all these Bozos are traveling all over the world. Hey this Argentine chef is cooking shit from his backyard river. Wow! I'd like to try that shit. OK then fly to Argentina. This food shit is getting out of hand man. Maybe I'm just an old geezer now. But it is interesting when guys like Zimmerman or Bourdain goes out and sample stuff we wouldn't, it's mere entertainment to me. Guys you need to remember, these celebrities are getting paid big money to eat shit me and you would not eat for free, it's Hollywood, c'mon man.

© 2017

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