CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, August 14, 2017


We are on the gluten free train, why? Shit why not? Look, some of you out there are just plain weird, you follow trends to the max, and the only people that should be eating gluten free is people allergic to gluten. I mean really? Shit if I am not allergic to peanuts, I'm having that Chinese chef use peanuts in my kung pao, and peanut oil. But NOOOO you don't want gluten because the media says so. So OK, I'm gonna bank on you turkeys.

For those of you who love to bake pies, and don't know what to use, because more than likely you are using all-purpose flour which contains some gluten, the protein that gives baked goods structure, like cakes and breads. And bread flour has a higher percentage of protein hence gluten. So now then, what's safe for your gluten free diet? Coconut flour is one. And we'll use coconut flour to make a pie crust.

Coconut Flour Pie Crust

1/2 cup melted butter or coconut oil

2 Large Eggs

1/4-1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 Cup coconut flour (Is gluten free)

1-3 tbsp. of raw sugar


1. Preheat oven to 400 F.

2. In a large enough bowl, beat the butter (or coconut oil), eggs, raw sugar, and salt

3. Add in the flour, stirring until the dough holds firmly together

4. Form the dough into a ball, then press it out into a greased 9" pie pan, and use a fork to poke holes on the pie crust to prevent air bubbles

5. Bake crust for about 8 minutes or until brown, remove from oven and let it cool down

Now you can fill this crust with anything you want that's gluten free.

ARROWHEAD MILLS ORGANIC COCONUT FLOUR  is easy to find, and there are many different brands to choose from, click the link, Walmart sells this online.

© 2017

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