CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The definition of science. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment: the world of science and technology.

Systematic study of structure and behavior of foods. Hmm, interesting. You must understand that food science has been around a long time. If you need answers to certain cooking questions, it has been tested. Because of food science, state and local governments sets standards on food safety. From handling of raw foods, to cooking it to its proper temperature to prevent food borne illness, and the proper holding temperatures as well as length of time foods should be held before it is not safe anymore. However food science, and science in general continues to move forward, with new technologies coming up, expect yesterday's standards to become obsolete, well maybe.

Food science makes today's food preparers jobs much more simple. Imagine without food science, new restaurant owners will have to figure things out for themselves. Bartenders would have to figure out why their red wines are turning rancid when it sits outside in the hot sun when the shipment comes in. Chefs would wonder why they got burned when cold water spilled in their deep fryers. Food science sets standards for the food service industry that is vital. 

How important is your health? It is very important, imagine if you went to your local steak house and went home with a bad case of food poisoning. Well, if you did have a food related illness from your favorite steak house, you would call the restaurant immediately and talk to the manager on duty. You would say something like, "Yeah I was in there eating about two hours ago, well I came home and I'm  really sick, I can't stop going to the bathroom." And the manager would say, "What did you eat?" Now he or she is asking you what you ate, from there they can do their investigation. And believe me, when a customer complains that they may have gotten food poisoning from their eatery, management will act on this very quickly. You explain you had the ribeye medium, garlic mashed potatoes, steamed veggies with drawn butter and garlic. A glass of Merlot, and you had the green salad with asian cream dressing for the starter. And a chocolate sundae with whipped cream for dessert.

Of course, there may have been more people with food poisoning that very same evening if the investigation proves what you ate caused it. What management and the chef would do is look at all of the products that you've consumed. They will go over the inventory, checking dates of all prep work, and if any waiter or waitress was sick. There have been cases when all foods were OK, but a waiter may have not washed his hands after going to the restroom. He may have been sloppy, and touched your steak, hence that could be the cause. A cook may have dropped some chemical into your salad dressing by accident. Who knows. Perhaps that one ribeye was sitting out a little too long before cooking, you ate it, it tasted good, but it may have been borderline bad, and since you had it cooked medium, it wasn't hot enough for any bacteria to be killed. You never know, anything can happen.

So yes food science is very important, it makes the job of professional food service employees easier, it makes home cooks much better in that they can understand why different ingredients react a certain way with others. Food science has nailed down why your cakes may not be rising correctly even when you followed the recipe to a T.

If you have the time, and I understand that you have a busy life, however when you get the chance, go online and look up food science, you can look up specific items such as beef. Food science of beef. You will see articles on everything you need to know on beef, making you much more well rounded as a chef or home cook. Food science can assist you in being creative. It will expand your cooking vocabulary, or more specific, you will be writing your own cookbook, without any recipes jotted down. I know a person who is well versed in food science, he can just think of creating a recipe in his head, and when he is in his test kitchen, he becomes a mad food scientist. And most of the times his creations are excellent. He always questions, "What if?" "What if I add this, or subtract that?"

OK it's time for me to go to sleep, and I just thought I'd go over food science with you guys. I mean if you're serious about cooking and improving your chops, or your skills. It is imperative you have a food science book in your kitchen. Like attorneys that have files on hand, you too should have a reference library for food and drink. 

Remember that learning is a constant, no one person is an expert on all things, especially when it comes to food. I know of some people that spent about two months in Malaysia and because of that, they'll open up a food joint serving Malay foods, and deliberately advertise that they are experts in Malay cooking. No, it takes years to become a master at anything. Two months is a long vacation watching natives cook their foods. Never call yourself an expert unless you are certified by a recognized board on the subject. Self proclaimed experts do more harm to themselves at times, especially when it comes to food. Call yourself an expert, you better watch out, because the wolves will be coming for your guts! Be a humble cook. Have an open mind. Don't be envious or jealous. Be cool man!

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