CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, September 25, 2017


ROUND TABLE PIZZA KIHEI MAUI was a perfecto spot for an hour lunch break. I was contemplating what to eat as I headed to south Maui to pick up some baby gear, cribs, stuff like that. Pizza! I want pizza!

Ok I thought, Kihei has a few places that are really good locally owned pizzerias. Fabiani's? Pizza Hut? Shaka's? Well, as I am getting to be a little older, and very cranky on the roads, I went to the closest location for pizza, and that was in the Piilani Shopping Village, I ended up at Round Table Pizza. I enter and it's half filled. The air conditioning felt really nice because of this September Maui humidity, it sucks and feels gross. I noticed something awesome, and they had like 4 overhead t.v. sets on. 3 NFL games, but by the time I got there the first games were done, and they had the highlights shows on. You know the ex-NFLers, talking shop with that pretty blond in a tight sleeveless dress. "Hey Aaron Rogers got sacked!" "Hey those players should respect the flag man, stand up!" And on the last monitor, MLB was on, the Astros and Angels. Cool, what a way to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon for lunch. I mean Round Table's pizzas are good, I ain't complaining. Plus Honu is like 30 miles out of Kihei.

I get to the counter, a friendly young lady greets me. I'm like I can nail a small pizza, forget the personal size, gimme the small one. Six pieces of juicy pizza sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. 

"Hi can I help you?"
"Yeah, can I get a small pepperoni pizza for here, and a Pepsi?"
"Sure you can, would you like the pizza with a thin or pan crust?"
"Gimme the pan crust."
"OK, here's your number, take a table and relax, enjoy the game."
"Don't mind if I do."

I was in sports heaven. What if I could do this all day on a Sunday, after worshiping God first of course, you know me, I'm a good boy. I'm a good Catholic boy. I am. Really. Seriously. What you think I'm joking? Rosary tonight junior, be there or be going to hell! 

So, I wait the standard 15-20 minutes, I'm just chilling looking at the games on t.v., and looking at my iPhone 6s. Thinking, Apple and T Mobile are rip off artists. They want me to upgrade to the iPhone 8. I'd have to fork up $159.00 to get it, with a monthly payment plan. The phone is like a thousand bucks. it probably cost Apple like $15.00 to make it, ship it back to the states, shit, that's right right?

My mind was only on one thing though. Yes, the pizza. I mean, every American dude loves pizza, especially with the Major League Baseball playoffs coming up, and the NFL in week 3. I wish I could have cold brew. But that won't happen, I'm driving, I'm on the clock.

So time was up, I see Dani my Round Table Pizza girl coming with my pizza, and a plate, and some pepper flakes and parmesan cheese. Wow! Grine time! Mopp time! "Here you go sir." She puts the pan pizza on that elevated tray holder. I say my prayer. Now look below on how I prayed you may learn something about spirituality.

O Lord up in Heaven, looking down on your humble servant. Yeah God me, Ron. I know I sinned like an hour ago, I mean she was a hot looking woman in a bikini walking across the street, so forgive me my sin there. And forgive me for saying ______ you to that guy that cut me off about two hours ago. Anyway Lord, I want to thank you for my job, and for the Round Table staff. I'm thankful that we have 4 tv monitors on with NFL and MLB games on, thank you Lord. May I say, you are the best.  So thanks for the pizza I'm about to devour, in Jesus name Amen!

Did you learn about prayer? I hope so. I mean, call me stupid, but hey, I'd rather believe in a heaven than a hell. Anyway, look at what I ate, that's right I ate the whole thing man!

The Pan Pepperoni Pizza
Lots of sauce, lots of pepperoni & cheese

My first slice of the day with an ice cold Pepsi awaits

My game face as I take a bite!

OK Round Table is a national chain type of pizza joint, and yes there are some pizza places where the pizzas may be more gourmet, but I was on the road and on a gig. And to me there ain't nothing wrong with a Round Table Pizza pie.

The Yay :)  or Nay :(  Scale.

Parking: Yay :)
Cleanliness: Yay :)
Friendliness: Yay :)
Order accuracy: Yay :)
Order on time: Yay :)
Quality and taste of pizza: Yay :)

OK there you go, 6/6 Yays :)

It's a good bet you will have a Yay Yay time here, especially on a Sunday during the MLB playoffs, and the entire NFL season and post season.

© 2017

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