CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


A couple of days ago, had some pizza with a buddy, just shooting the breeze, hanging out, and wanted to see the Eagles vs. Redskins game. The closest place was the Dominos Pizza in the Maui Lani Shopping Center.

OK, Dominos is not one of those gourmet brick oven pizza bars with fresh cut herbs, freshly sliced meats, however it's good enough you know? And it has air conditioning, and of course Monday Night Football on two television monitors. And the price is like right up our alley. I know there's pizza and fine food enthusiasts that will NEVER order a Dominos, or a Pizza Hut, or a Round Table, but hey man, I never did die eating it. 

We ordered a medium pan pepperoni and mushrooms pizza, and two 20 oz. Cokes. Yeah I know I gotta lay off the sugar, but you gotta have a nice cold fizzy Coke with a pizza, you can't have an organic ice tea, or some freaking juice. No, you gotta have a Coke. It's like going to Sunday mass and there's now wafers for the communion.

The medium two topping pizza
Pepperoni & Mushrooms
My buddy Yukio saying a little grace
before mauling his piece of pie
The Monday Night Football game is on
I'm smiling because the game is on
and it was on the eve of game one 
of the World Series, see my LA cap on?
I ain't no bandwagon jumper!

So how was this Dominos Pizza? Seriously?

The Yay :)  or Nay :( scale

Parking: Yay :)
Friendly service: Yay :)
Cleanliness of restaurant: Yay :)
Cost: Yay :)
Quickness of order to table: Yay :)
Quality of pan crust: Yay :)
Quality of sauce: Yay :) for a fast food place
Quality of cheese: Yay :)
Quality of toppings: Yay :)
Comfort of seats: Yay :)

10 out of 10 Yays :)

Dominos is a fast quick service pizza chain, again, it is what it is, and it's a good pizza. Now, I am not going to debate the GMO crowd for the love of God enough of that. It's not like they are putting Diazinon in the sauce, c'mon!

So yes, Dominos will work for us working dogs that love Monday Night Football, and pizza. Located in the Maui Lani Shopping Center in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, across the Baldwin High School. Look it up on Google.

© 2017

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