CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Here's a simple recipe for Lilikoi Butter Sauce. It is no doubt a sweet rich sauce, one can use to spoon over any food item really. Such as fish, chicken, steaks, or desserts.

1 cup brown sugar
Pinch of cinnamon
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup freshly strained lilikoi juice 
4 eggs, beaten
5 tablespoons butter


Using a small stainless steel saucepan over medium heat, mix the sugar, lemon juice, and lilikoi juice; stirring the sugar until sugar is dissolved. Gently whisk in a small amount of the lilikoi mixture into the eggs to temper it, then return the whole mixture back to the saucepan, stirring constantly over medium-low heat until the mixture is thick enough to coat the spoon. Remove from heat, add butter, and stir until melted. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. Makes about 1 1/2 cups. Refrigerate after it cools down. Ideally I like to use this after it is cooked because it is a fast sauce to make. 

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