CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, November 5, 2018


It's time for a little rant, a little of my 2 cents if you will on cooking shows, or food shows on t.v.. It seems that food shows are just too ridiculous these days. Drama in the kitchen? Chefs and cooks going at it, reality? Or scripted crap? Yeah OK, that crap can happen in real life and it does actually all of the time in a pro kitchen. All kinds of shit goes on in a pro kitchen. Egos are huge with chefs. I can't stand chefs! Don't like em. Anyhow, let's go to the cooking shows on t.v. and why I can't stand em. I've said this a gazzillion times. Food is a special thing, it's for feeding and nourishing people. And the way food is exploited, when we have good humans starving is insane. Of course entertainment is just that. Entertainment. And it makes money. It makes stars of chefs and foodies. That's all good you know. However I am not into that stuff.

I mean, drama in the kitchen because of some bull shit. What? C'mon and just show how to make the dish, who gives a f---- about the cook and his chef having a spat because the schedule isn't working out for the guy because he wants to go to f----- Burning Man, or some music fest. I mean, you do need time off to go to your favorite event, however I could care less what happens to some employee in a kitchen. 

So what do I watch when it comes to food shows? Nothing. Seriously nothing. I'd rather go on to Youtube and watch documentaries of history. I seldom delve into food shows anymore. It's gotten too stupid. Chefs are like rock stars, all good. In fact we have a couple here on Maui that have been on major food shows. One is pretty cool while the other is a f----- cock head! I mean, c'mon man all yo do is cook. You guys are a dime a dozen.

The reasons why I dislike the food shows now is it's been dumbed down like all shows on t.v.. What next, Chefs That Are Bi-Polar? Chefs That Do Porn? Chefs That Bang Other Chefs' Wives? I mean it is totally stupid. I'm not into watching stupid. Hey I'm a grouchy old man haha. "Back in my day, we had Emeril, and Ming Tsai." OK I'm outta here, enjoy your favorite cooking or food show, don't get to into it, the garage needs to be cleaned out.

© 2018

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