CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, December 14, 2018


In this photo of me, I'm at an eatery in Las Vegas that I love for chowing down juicy hamburgers. Not lying to you, I loves me some good beef burgers. And the restaurant's name is called Heart Attack Grill! Hey it's marketing so I won't be protesting this place. However. Sometimes we need to eat a little healthier. But let me guarantee you, next visit to Las Vegas, I'm going going for it again. Now until forever, I will change the way I think about food. If you haven't read my last posts, I do have some health issues that are very serious. High blood pressure is one. Gout is another. My blood sugar level has risen, and my cholesterol is not the lowest. All this can be altered by changing the way I eat. 

Stop eating refined stuff period. Drink more water. Instead of sweet creamy coffee, just have a small one black or with very little sugar. Eating low sodium foods, exercising more. Things I know I'm supposed to do in the first place but got lazy, and all negative. And the most critical issue right now, I lost my health insurance. So bam! Hey I'm 54 now, and not a young guy. I got to be more my age. Sure thinking young is good for you. But sometimes, my kid thinking ruins me in other parts of life. 

Let's say God wants me back when I'm 66 if I live that long. I got 12 years to make things good. Meaning, pay off my debts because it's a must, it's the right thing to do. Make right what I did wrong to people, it's the right thing to do. And be that beacon of light for others, be the word and action to help others somehow. 

Food is very important to us. Food is fuel for surival. My new thinkning on food, will revert to the old school mentality, in that food to survive is what is important. I'll share with you not just ideas on preparing healthy meals, but give you some thoughts on how to live a more peaceful life. You know, drama can be very irritating.

Back tracking to my days as a cook at a health food store, it was the best time in my life as a professional cook. Because, we never cooked any meats, it was an organic vegetarian and vegan kitchen. The only animal products we used were milk, and cheeses. This type of cooking is called lacto-vegetarian. Meaning we used dairy, but not eggs. And every thing else was plant based. However, I won't totally go that rout on my posts. We'll use animal proteins at times, but I'll show you how to make it all work out for you in a healthier manner.

Let's do a breakfast recipe using this type of cooking, lacto-vegetarian. And believe me this will be very delicious. 


1 tsp. organic vegetable oil

2 cloves crushed garlic

1- block firm organic tofu, crumbled

1 small package organic frozen spinach thawed

1- medium orangic sweet round onion minced

5 oz. of organic mushrooms sliced thin

1 medium organic bell pepper sliced thing

1 medium organic tomato rough chopped, keep all juices, flesh, seeds, skin

1 1/2 cups of organic grated parmesean cheese

1 cup of organic cream

1/2 cup of nutritioan yeast

1 tsp or more white pepper

1 tsp. or more organic tamari soy sauce


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

1. In a large oven proof non-stick skillet, over medium high heat. Heat up the oil and garlic, once the aroma of the garlic is present, add in the ingredients from the tofu to the tomatoes. Saute it for about 2 minutes.

2. Add in the parmesean cheese to the tamari soy sauce. Stick it into the oven for about 15 minutes. Season with a little more seasoning if need, not too much salt. Serve with all-grain toast.

What this meal does is offers you more fiber as well as protein. For those suffering from diabetes, it's a pretty safe meal to eat. If you have high blood pressure, it's not too heavy in sodium.

Here's the kicker, the cost of eating healthy is insane. If you buy organic, a sack of groceries can really add up in terms of cost. This meal can run you easily up to $30.00, and you'll serve at least 3-4 people. What can I tell you? Life is tough period. If money is an issue, such as for myself at the present moment, I really got to put dollars away to go shopping and buy healthy. In the mean time, I try to eat light but healthy. Drink more water. You can survive on water. I'm praying for all of us going through a health issue, I'm praying for families trying to make ends meet. I'm praying for those without. And I hope that God (if he exists), opens that door of goodness for everyone. Hey I don't think it's stupid. I'm praying. Because right now, it makes sense. Unless someone drops off a load of cash at my front door.

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