CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, December 3, 2018

MY SIMPLE SHOYU New York Steak Plate

In this blog post, it's a sad day for our great country. As I watch the services of our 41st. president's body laying in state in Washington D.C.. George H.W. Bush, rest in peace.

I took a look into the refrigerator on what to eat, I noticed a 2 pack of choice cuts of New York steaks, each weighing about 7 oz. big enough for me. And I cooked some brown rice a day ago, and it's still good. I need to eat a little healthier as my sugar level is up. Tomorrow I got to see my doctor, she'll probably give me a scolding. "Stop drinking soda and eating junk!" OK. So I'm off of sodas, gimme some water though, and coffee.

So what I did was, kept the steak unsalted. Just plain Jane. I heated up a pan really hot. And seared all the edges. There was a little fat on there so it was tasty. Let it sit about 3 minutes on the first side, and 2 on the last. When done, it was on the rare side. Only because I did not let the steak sit at room temperature. I should have known better, however I was hasty, just get that thing on the pan ASAP!

So it was mostly rare, but hey it worked. Right before I took that steak out of the pan, I hit it with about 2 tablespoons of shoyu. Or soy sauce for those of you who aren't familiar with that term. And then I plated it with simple room temperature cooked brown rice. 

It was good. Protein, and some healthy starchy rice. I did good. I did. And God Bless America. God Bless the Bush family.

To be honest, I liked the brown rice and keeping the sodium down, and drinking more water. I feel much better. So with that said, all of us should be eating better. You don't have to be a vegan, but just watch your portions, keep the surose out of here, and high processed stuff out of here. Good eating folks.


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