CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Since I am far from being a decent butcher, I'll post a YouTube video on a professional butcher, cutting up the portion of pork for pork bellies. Watch as he takes half of the hog, and uses his boning knife, a cimeter, and a saw to get to the belly. Why did I post this? As you know I'm trying to cook and eat healthy, what does pork have to do with eating healthy? First of all, I am not against meat eating. I am not a vegan, or a vegetarian. I love all kinds of food genres. However, for those of you that are wondering how do markets get their belly pork, and what's involved with it, this video will give you an idea. It's not long at all, and it cuts to the chase. Watch and learn something if the kitchen is where you want to be. I'm not suggesting that you pick up a half a hog from some farm, not at all. This is just to educate you and I, on the skills needed to be a professional butcher. Enjoy.

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