CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, January 25, 2019


The food and beverage industry is hardcore. Ever read Anthony Bourdain's book Kitchen Confidential? Chefs, bartenders, waiters, waitresses, bussers, preppers, dishwashers. A lot of them are into drinking heavily, and doing drugs, more than lightly. They live a rock and roll lifestyle.

My family owned restaurants, and they still do. I've worked in the industry and seen first hand what happens behind the scenes. Now, I'm not saying I was a hardcore druggy or alcoholic. But I did my share of weed, cocaine, alcohol, magic mushrooms, and acid. No, I never was homeless, I never slept on the streets. But there are cases where hard working chefs go off the deep end. This TEDx video with Steve Palmer talks about shaking up the system in the food and beverage industry. The system of getting wasted, that system needs to be shook up.


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