CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Blood Pressure Video

Here's a You Tube video on nutrition tips to lower blood pressure. 
If you are suffering for hypertension, being informed periodically on what is good for you, is well-good. We all need reminders, and support. That's a good life if we do have that. Life isn't easy period. It's a though world out there, we all need to go to work, pay the bills, and there's all kinds of stress that we deal with. Stress. We need to minimize stress. People can give us stress, but-only if we let them. So take a deep breath and don't let others stress you out for no reason. 

Keep your blood pressure under control. If you have a reading of 140 + over 90 +, you need medical assistance. Don't let high blood pressure keep you from living a good life.

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